Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I'm still goin!

It's been a crazy long time! I've been playing 1-2 times a week for the past four weeks, about once a week for the month before that. Up to that time I had a few more losses from the point of my last post.

I was starting to think I might not ever play again. I was down to $400 from 2500. I was feakin out about nothing holding up. Then I really had a talk with myself about frame of mind and the law of attraction. I'm a believer. I was so focused on "not losing" that the "losing" part was the energy all around. I waited about two weeks and was to the point that I decided I didn't care if I lost it. Was willing to "go broke" and willing to say I'm going to either take a break until I graduate or just stop playing. Well, I won $955 profit and haven't stopped since!lol

I also found a bankroll app and I absolutely love it!!! The app is called Poker Income, and I upgraded from the free version. I use it while I'm playing. Tracks tips, time played, bankroll, etc etc. Profit per hour, day of the week trends etc.

I'm halfway through my first class - managerial accounting. Lots of numbers and calculating. I selected this class, thinking it would be good for my game. Summer softball ended, thank goodness. Terrible experience, the coaches (husband and wife) quit. Fall ball starting and going much better. I just love fastpitch softball and watching my daughter play!!

Project at work, grand opening of new department in a few weeks. Lots of stuff... And best of all, I'm winning winning winning.

My bankroll is at my record high of 3500... I've purchased some cool stuff for the house at pier 1 and not felt guilty :0)

I could continue with more, but I won't. My point for this post is state of mind, positive energy and if you feel like you're going to lose, you are - take the night off.

Tonight I wanted to play if I got my homework completed. I did, and went for a short play if I was up and a long one if I was down... I'm on vacation and going out of town for a week, I was hoping to get one more win for spending money.

Never had to show one hand,...
cash me out, it's 11:00 (started at 8:30)
Profit $375

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